Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 12/17/13
“Oh, that I had wings like a dove, for then I would fly away and be at rest.”  (Psalm 55:6)  The dove is one of 34 different birds mentioned in the Bible.  The Lord’s care for  creation is illustrated in the passage…”not even a sparrow falls to the ground, but that God is aware and cares.”  He’s aware of your situation, too, and cares.  110 years ago, today, Orville Wright emulated the birds by “flying” 120 feet for 12 seconds.   ;-)  Jack

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  We're going out to the Wright's shop on Friday evening...Greenfield Village Christmas Walk.====JACK:  The life of Henry Ford has received mixed reviews.  In that respect, he's like many of us.  One of the good things that Ford did was to make sure that some of important Americana was preserved at Greenfield Village.  Preserving the actual Wright Brother's bike shop is just one example.  Thanks Henry!

FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Birds on the wing are such a spectacle.  This morning at the breakfast table, out the window we saw a flock of geese in V-formation heading south.  They were elegant and precisely spaced.  It must have been the sudden change to bitter weather here that nudged them to finally get moving southward.  The Wright brothers headed south too, determined to give themselves wings.  They put in all the work to make it into the air and stay there, while today we essentially take these huge airliners for granted.  Regarding that historic first flight in 1903, that was just 110 years ago today.====JACK:  I know why you boldly typed 110.  You wanted to correct my 113, without being too obvious..

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  I love birds... cockatiel is squawking at this very moment.====JACK;  Daughter Beth wants a Great Dane as her next pet...a difference between that and a cockatiel.====LIZ:  they are wonderful dogs! i especially like the harlequin.  we have a yellow lab, orange tabby, too. all are friends.====JACK:  So, if they can get along in the same house, why can't a variety of people get along in the same world?  A puzzle.

 FROM JAN IN CALIFORNIA:  I'm adding today's  "Jacks winning words"  to my " special treasures file".  It's a big heavy file now but there is always room for more.  Your  "words" really touch my heart, Jack. ====JACK:  Longfellow wrote:  "I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where..."  I feel something like that when I send out Winning Words each day.  Because of your response, I know where one of today's arrows landed.

 FROM TARMART REV:  More like a turkey with the distance in mind...but definitely the start of something to behold then on!====JACK:  I don't think turkeys are mentioned in the Bible, unless  it's Judas.

 FROM JT IN MINNESOTA:  Your message was especially meaningful today.  Tomorrow I am moving David to the Veterans Home.  I think it will be a good move.  At least it is my hope that it will be a good move.  But always the unknown is of concern.  Your message insprires hope and faith.  Thanks again. ====JACK:  Each step that you have taken has been taken with "care."  It'll work out, because God knows and cares about you and David.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know, He cares for me!"  I had an experience Sunday morning that I termed "divine intervention, or a quiet miracle" ...I  turned a corner on our Lake road, and smashed into a snowdrift right in the middle of my lane! (our roads were snowy, blowy and icy, but the highways had been cleared....). I was stuck solid, a half mile from home in dress clothes and shoes, and no car or truck in sight.  I needed to make coffee, and juice for our social hour, get to 8:15 Bell choir rehearsal, as we played the prelude, and to choir, as we performed our cantata during the service! Not to mention teach adult S.S. class....I tried rocking the car back and forth for 15 minutes, and gained maybe 6 inches. What I needed for the the car to slide SIDEWAYS  off of the drift on my lane, and into the opposite lane which was snow packed, but looked "doable". NO luck. Finally I turned off the ignition and just prayed, telling my Heavenly father that I needed to get to church RIGHT NOW, and I needed His help, as I was unable to move, Please move my car!  I turned the ignition back on, put it in low gear, and gunned it, and the car slowly moved SIDEWAYS (!) over into the passable lane. HOW, I'll never know, except that His eye IS on me (us)!!  I had quite a story to tell when I walked into church!  And  it all got done, even tho I was a half hour later  than I planned to be!====JACK:  If I had been in your situation and had gotten free as you did, I would have sung loudly as I drove off...."I sing because I'm happy.  I sing because I'm free...."

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