Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 12/10/13
“I’m sad that it’s uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues.”  (Grimes)  Did you know that Grimes is Clair Bucher, a Canadian musician?  Did you know that 20 years ago the U.N. established Dec 10 as Human Rights Day, to encourage nations to improve living conditions for all people?  Be uncool and Google: Human Rights Day.  See what’s being done and how you might give support.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM DR J IN OHIO:  I think the world is changing and it is getting much COOLER to care about the rights of others ;-)====JACK:  The deniers are running out of excuses, and their numbers are increasingly smaller.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I googled. This is sort of uncool in certain groups of people but I regularly contribute to and am a member of the ACLU which is an organization that, in my opinion, works to give people human rights.  Thanks for calling this special day to our attention.====JACK:  As is the case with many issues, we tend to be more comfortable with "preaching to the choir."  I'm happy for the diversity that is happening in our congregations.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  There is so much about the environment and human rights reported in the media these days, I had no perception that it's offensive or uncool to talk about it.  There are plenty of times when people say things about others, or do things to the environment that are offensive, and those are moments when we should speak out against such behavior.====JACK:  Yes, there seems to be more in the media on the subject of the environment and human rights, but it's like people listening to preaching in the church.  Do they "buy into" what's being said?

 FROM TRIHARDER:  Gee, we must be very uncool.  Very uncool.====JACK:  From what I see on your Facebook page, you're not shy about expressing your views on social issues.  Cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I googled. This is sort of uncool in certain groups of people but I regularly contribute to and am a member of the ACLU which is an organization that, in my opinion, works to give people human rights.
Thanks for calling this special day to our attention
S.H. in MI