Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 11/6/13
“It don’t cost nuthin’ to be nice.”  (Paul “Bear” Bryant)  My sister’s license plate reads PLS 10Q.  It’s one indicator of what it means to be nice.  I came across a “site” listing ways to nice---that won’t cost you anything.  #1 is to smile!  Sometimes I let the person behind me go ahead.  If you’re in a group and see someone standing alone, invite them to join you.  “It don’t cost nuthin’.”  Do you have any “nice” suggestions to add?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM RB IN MICHIGAN:  OK Jack I am a little slow...What does PLS 10Q mean?====JACK:  Isn't it obvious?...Please Thank You. ====RB:  Hmm... 10 = Th  The Please was obvious :)  My mom's plate is JCLVSU2.  I would imagine this one is also difficult to figure out to the driver behind her --> Jesus Christ Loves You Too  Demonstrated your example last week in Atlanta while in Airport Security.  I thought I had gained a friend for life. How about mowing or cleaning leaves from your neighbor's adjacent yard without any expectation?====JACK:  I got a smile at the grocery store yesterday when I let a lady go in front of me.  A smile is pretty good "pay."

 FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN:  I like this one.====JACK:  I like people who are nice.

 FROM MOLINER JT:  Always Thank a Vet.=====JACK:  I remember when the last WW 1 vet died.  The list of those from WW 2 is growing shorter.  We keep adding lists.  So the need to say, thaanks, continues. 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  When you're being helped by someone, clerk, person on the telephone, a nurse or aid in the old folks home, and they have a bunch of people asking for their help, try to be patient. I think that "love is patient, love is kind...." must have been especially written for us today in this busy and hurried society.====JACK:  It looks like patience was needed in biblical days, too.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Bear was a mean tyrant on the football practice field. A friend was a frosh qb and had his career ruined due to injury from being cannon fodder fro the varsity. Bill Baltzell retired as a coach at Moline HS.====JACK:  Last Sunday 60 Minutes showed a segment on the intensity of Alabama's current football coach.  It seems as though the tradition continues.  ...and it's not just at Alabama, either.

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN:  Thank them for their smile, Words of encouragement, help, listening ear, being there with you during a difficult time, and their friendship.  Thank them for working side-by-side with you to pass a bond for your school district!====JACK:  Thanks for "the little people" who make it easier for "the big people."  We're in this world together.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  The following is somewhat akin to today's WW.  I found it some years ago, don't know who the author is, but offer it for what it's worth.  A short course in Human Relations:
The 6 most important words in the English language are: I was wrong, please forgive me.
The 5 most important words are:  You did a good job.
The 4 most important words are:  What is your opinion?
The 3 most important words are:  Can I help?
The 2 most important words are:  Thank you.
The 1 most important word is:  You
The least important word is:  I
====JACK:  It fits!

 FROM LSSM PHIL:  Nice---I use the 5 minute Rule-- Listen to one person once a week for 5 minutes. They talk you listen. It makes all the difference in the world.====JACK:  Good suggestion.  Most of us talk alot, but don't listen enough.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  I'm gonna throw a negative at you ... what if it DOES cost something to be nice? It's not about money.====JACK:  Spending money doesn't have to be a negative.  The expression, "Give 'til it hurts," has been rephrased to read, "Give 'til it feels good."

 FROM HCC CHUCK:  I would add learning to LISTEN  so many times people just need someone to listen   truly listen  not to offer advice    just listen====JACK:  The old expression is. "Time is money."  Just as some people are reluctant to give money, some people are also reluctant to give listening time.

 FROM TARMART REV:  Reminded often of I John 4:20-21, "...if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? I want to be found loving and accepting everyone I meet, unless there would be some reason my interest in them was not appreciated (and that comes into play on rare occasions)...expressions of acceptance and happiness in seeing them, smile often, stand up when approached, open a door for another, good eye contact while visiting, etc. ====JACK:  Good advice...but, I would add...Respect the privacy of those who want privacy.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  YOU BET! BEST TO ERR IN THE DIRECTION OF KINDNESS!!  I USED TO COUNSEL YOUNG WOMEN, WHEN LOOKING FOR A LIFE MATE,  FIND SOMEONE WHO IS KIND, SO IMPORTANT IN A RELATIONSHIP!!  KIND WAS AT THE TOP OF MY LIST AS  I MATURED....OF COURSE IN HIGH SCHOOL THE TOP OF MY LIST FOR HUSBAND MATERIAL, WAS  "BE A  GOOD AND SMOOTH DANCER":!  HA! THEN I GREW UP!====JACK:  It might be interesting for you to make a random survey among the young people you meet up with, to see what they think what they think are good qualities of a life mate...and to see how their answers jibe with answers given in the past.

 FROM KF IN MICHIGAN:  Like your sister's license plate!====JACK:  She gets many comments.  Do you have a vanity plate?  I have trouble enough choosing passwords...and remembering them.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you're being helped by someone, clerk, person on the telephone, a nurse or aid in the old folks home, and they have a bunch of people asking for their help, try to be patient. I think that "love is patient, love is kind...." must have been especially written for us today in this busy and hurried society.
S.H. in MI