Monday, September 23, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 9/23/13
“It’s a sad man who’s livin’ in his own skin and can’t stand the company.”  (Bruce Springsteen)  “The Boss” turns 64 today.  Many people are drawn to him by his music, but what impresses me most is his concern for the poor.  He gives a portion of every concert’s proceeds to a local food bank, remembering the hardships of his family when he was growing up.  Who is it who lives in your skin?  Are you comfortable?.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  A lot of room for improvement in mine...awaken every morning often excited what God has in store for me to learn bet sometimes very humbled realizing I'm walking through  another "fine mess I've gotten myself in!"====JACK:  There's an antique store in Indiana named, Another Fine Mess.  A sign outside of a church could read, "Come in!  We will try to fix another fine mess!"

 FROM PASTY PAT:  It's only taken 70 years or so, but yes.  (The classic 'late bloomer'?!)====JACK:  Someone titled their Bucket List: "Better Late Than Never."  You can now cross off one more thing on your list.====PAT:  I'm going to do that right now!

 FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  Loved the Springsteen reference!====JACK:  Sometimes we forget that "stars" are human beings...some more human than others.

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  When I'm the most clear-mined, it is the Spirit of Jesus that lives in my skin. In those moments I am very comfortable! It is in those " other times" that my skin crawls!====JACK:  The word, in-spiration, means that the Spirit is in us.  And, sometimes, that makes us itchy.

FROM DOCTOR J:  Love the Boss!====JACK:  He's called, The Boss, because, in his younger days, he was part of a band, and it was his job to collect the money earned and distribute it among the members of the band.  The name stuck.

  FROM HCC CHUCK:  Sometimes YES   sometimes NO  thank God for GRACE.====JACK:  I've wondered...who first said, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."  I traced it back to John Bradford in 16th century England.  He's supposed to have spoken the words while imprisoned in the Tower of London, as he saw criminals being led to their execution.  He himself was burned at the stake on 7/1/1555 for being a Protestant.  Freedom of religion is a great gift.  But greater than that is God's Grace.

 FROM LEE IN MICHIGAN:  This is a good Man.    Sort of like the new Pope!!!!     & Jesus gives to the poor (:>)====JACK:  All "religious" people don't necessarily dress like religious people.

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  Give. Don't Waste. Save. Pay your bills.    Enjoy.====JACK:  You sound like a reincarnated Ben Franklin.  BTW, did you mean to omit, tithe?

1 comment:

Ray Gage said...

When I'm the most clear-mined, it is the Spirit of Jesus that lives in my skin. In those moments I am very comfortable! It is in those " other times" that my skin crawls!