Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Winning Words 3/19/13
“We can’t always be cool and collected, but for the times when we’re not, be cool!”  (3 Minutes a Day)  My stepfather often used the expression, cool, to say that things were OK.  A waitress asked him how his food was, and he replied, “Cool!”  She offered to put it in the microwave for him.  Many problems are the result of misunderstandings.  People can lose their “cool” when they jump to erroneous conclusions.  Be cool today!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM WALMART REV:  Hopefully, no "global warming" in this area of my life! Even weather wise...I don't believe we have that problem in Minnesota, especially this winter!?!? 0;-)////JACK:  You know that you're from Minnesota when people call it, MinneSNOWta!

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Waking up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit and 6 inches of snow...yeah, we're cool today!////JACK:  What do you expect?  It's not Spring until tomorrow!

 FROM DC IN KANSAS:  Mary Sanchez in today's KANSAS CITY TIMES shared this quote  "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint.  When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist."  That's a quote from a So. American archbishop.  No, not the present Pope Francis.  That comes from Dom Helder Camera (my So. Am. favorite).///JACK:  I'm familiar with DHC.  A prophet is not always welcomed.  He really walked the talk.  A cool guy!

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  We're certainly cool weather-wise! However no snow so can't complain, and tomorrow SPRING arrives! HA!  As Anne Hathaway (actress) reportedly said, "Mellow doesn't always make for a good story, but it makes for a good life."  Probably true in most cases. Some  things (injustices & abuse) are worth losing your cool about!////JACK:  The idea of "cool" can be traced as far back as Aristotle.  Now, there was a cool cat!  In my mind, I always associate The Fonz as being "cool."

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  This saying sounds like a commercial for deodorant.  Perhaps I have jumped to a conclusion?!?////JACK:  Speaking of deodorants, does your research show that air fresheners were ever used in privvies?

 FROM DAVID FRANZ IN OREGON:  Thanks Jack for the continuing inspiration with your Winning and Wise Words!  They put a spring in our steps and song in our thoughts!////JACK:  They'll really put a spring in your step tomorrow!

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