Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Winning Words 6/20/12
“If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.”  (Ben Franklin)  I looked up prodigality and discovered that it means “wastefulness,” and comes from the word, prodigal., as in the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  I should have known that, but, somehow, I didn’t take the time to research it.  So, it’s never too late to learn what you think you know.    ;-)  Jack

FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA:  "It's never too late to learn what you think you know."  I will always remember that!  It belongs right up there with the best of Ben Franklin.////FROM JACK:  Here are other surprises that I came across.  Ben's father was a soapmaker, and Ben was the 15th of 17 children.  Ben left school at age 10, in order to become a printer's devil.  Poor Richard's Almanack began publication in 1732, the year of George Washington's birth.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Wasting time is a shame, but relishing a quiet moment is a blessing too!  Ben Franklin also believed the only way to be taught was to use the Bible as the basis of education.  Most of our Founding Fathers, if not all, believed the same way.////FROM JACK:  In his writings Ben gave advice on hos To Live Jollily.  Have you heard that word before?  "He that lies down with Dogs, shall rise up with fleas."

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