Monday, April 25, 2011

Winning Words 4/25/11
“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.” (Clarence Hall) I chose to post this one today, because it speaks beyond the obvious. It raises the question: “What is truth?” It also reminds me of an adage I learned when I was a child: “The truth will out.” As we remember loved ones who have died, we are assured that death is not the end; there is something more. “O grave, where is thy victory?” ;-) Jack

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: How can a Relativist speak of "Truth?" FROM JACK: The truth is....I'm an enigma wrapped in a riddle.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: With all the perplexities of life, the things I don't know, my belief in the facts of this quote today, these WW's, is what I believe helps me to do and continue to do ethical behaviors. They give me strength and courage to do the thing I believe is right, just on the hope that the truth in the situation and in the people involved will eventually rise to the surface, everything will eventually come out into the light. But especially because I always have Jesus, who is no longer in the grave, with me, He did/does the right thing, I stumble along and try to do the right thing too.Truth is stronger than lies. Thanks again for the WW. I like Clarence Hall's way of putting it. FROM JACK: I'm intrigued by Arnold's movie with the title, "True Lies." Mmmmm!

FROM BLAZING OAKS: I'm just finishing a book given to me, titled "Heaven Is Real" by Todd Burpo, which seems a little too "pat' for me, but offers yet another insight into "Heaven", (experience of an almost 4 yr old) which the occasion of Easter brings to mind. Like "Soul Survivor" "90 Minutes in Heaven" etc, The great thinker, author and preacher, Oswald Chambers wrote of death,"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there ye may be also" He says:"Jesus Christ is talking here about what no man knows but Himself, viz. the day after death, and He says, Don't be troubled about it!" ( He died much too young at 43...) Of truth, one of his observations was "The Bible does not reveal all truth; we have to find out scientific truth and common-sense truth for ourselves, but knowledge of the TRUTH , our Lord Himself, is only possible through the reception of the Holy Spirit." He constantly wanted us to realize that Jesus is not the proclaimer of truth, He IS the personification of it. He offers "deep stuff" to chew on, much less, live out!! FROM JACK: "Let not your heart be troubled....." Good advice for people who get worked up about discussing things/concepts that are neither true nor false, but are unknown.

FROM MOLINER CF: "The truth as I know it" fits in here somewhere. Please clarify. FROM JACK: There is truth and there is "ultimate truth." That which we see as "truth" is generally our opinion. St. Paul writes (1 Corinthians 13:9) "Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!"

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Great Winning Words! Truth always out...somewhere along the line. The greatest truth...Jesus rose again and He did it for us, is the best truth! Amen! FROM JACK: As Edith Ann would say: "And that's the truth!"

FROM CA IN MICHIGAN: A blessed Easter to you my friend. You are so special to continue sending your winning words out to so many. I appreciate your efforts and read every message. God bless. FROM JACK: It's my pleasure, and it gives me a reason to get up.

FROM JT IN MINNESOTA: Our Pastor had a lasting message on Easter Sunday. In an "egg shell" he illustrated how jelly beans and the Easter Bunny don't cut it when we are in need. Then we need the real meaning of Easter. My two teen age grandsons were with me and as we discussed it later, they remembered the message. Thanks to you for your daily messages. I always appreciate them.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: We live with that assurance! FROM JACK: Blessed Assurance!


Anonymous said...

With all the perplexities of life, the things I don't know, my belief in the facts of this quote today, these WW's, is what I believe helps me to do and continue to do ethical behaviors. They give me strength and courage to do the thing I believe is right, just on the hope that the truth in the situation and in the people involved will eventually rise to the surface, everything will eventually come out into the light. Truth is stronger than lies.
Thanks again for the WW. I like Clarence Hall's way of putting it.
S.H. in MI

Anonymous said...

But especially because I always have Jesus, who is no longer in the grave, with me, He did/does the right thing, I stumble along and try to do the right thing too.
S.H. in MI