Monday, September 27, 2010

Winning Words 9/27/10
“If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.” (Unknown – Sent by Liesa in Michigan) I searched in vain for the author, but, really, it’s the thought that counts. I’ve known some people who’ve had a “tough row to hoe” in their life and have said: “The Lord is helping me to get through this. I’ll be all right.” I admire the faith that those people have. Where do you think such a faith comes from? ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: The Bible says faith comes from hearing...hearing what Christ has told us. That assures a Christian. Often we build our own faith by what we observe from others, who have shown us by their faith how they prevailed in difficult times. FROM JACK: Another one..... "He who has eyes to see, let him see."

FROM DR IN MICHIGAN: thank you - would alter the quote - if life brings you to it God will see you thru it! Blessings FROM JACK: Interesting comment. Are the events that happen to us just events, or are they part of God's greater plan? Do Presbyterians still hold to pre-destination? At least I now have an author to put to what you have said. Thanks for the thoughtful response.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: I can really relate to todays WWs...I believe the Lord brings us through all times, and that we should recognize that during both the good and bad times. During this past year of unemployment, each day I have to remind myself that He is there, will not put us under more than we can He just trying to remind us about who He is???? FROM JACK: Sometimes you really have to "go through it" to understand the truth of the quote.

FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: I believe that the faith to persevere comes from experience of witnessing the goodness of God in our lives for ourselves. Unfortunately, this requires that you be willing move forward into experiences based on faith regardless of how you feel emotionally. FROM JACK: "Unfortunately?" I've found sometimes that that which I consider to be unfortunate, in retrospect, turns out to be fortunate for me. I know that this your experience, too. I'm not suggesting that the word is wrong; it's just a matter of a choice in our writing. In all things, God is good!

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: being at the other end and knowing only believing brought you there. FROM JACK: You don't need a GPS to "know" where you are.

FROM CS IN MICHIGAN: I know the answer to that one...Mom always told me that God will not give me more than I can bear. FROM JACK: We are fortunate when we have mom's who give good advice.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: God will never give you more than you can handle. I think that faith is a gift, and that some accept the gift and others refuse it. FROM JACK: Just as a bell is not a bell until you ring it, a gift is not a gift until you receive it.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: How ironic....I was just repeating your Winning Words as I was walking up to the computer. I have a friend who is facing many difficult issues right now and I was going to make her a card with just that saying. But, does God bring us to "it" or is it just life in general which "brings us to it"? Anyway, I believe He gives us the strength to get us through. Thankfully! FROM JACK: As I read your response, the theme music for "Twilight Zone" started going through my mind. People "going through it" need all the support they can get, especially from friends. God's support is already with them. MORE FROM JUDY: It was very strange....I mean, I was just sitting down to the computer and repeating those exact words. Wow. Should I prepare for tomorrow's words too??? :-) FROM JACK: Tomorrow's will fit for you, too. Keep humming The Twilight Zone song.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: In a way I think that it is a gift. FROM JACK: ....and so many gifts we just take for granted. Let's see, can you count up to five of them?

FROM MOLINER CF: That word "if" bothers me. Does it mean he will not help you through it if he didn't bring you to it? I don't believe that. Which brings about another question? FROM JACK: To remove the "if" pre-supposes that God causes everything. In my belief, God gives to all of us, the gift of free-will, which removes the "if" in certain cases. Some of the evil in this world is caused by our own free-will and cannot be "blamed" on God. Some of that which we consider to be evil seems to be beyond understanding. Therefore it's OK to ask, "Why." Or to say, "If God brings me to it, he will see me through it." MORE FROM CF: Thank you for the very thoughtful response. Knowingly or not, you cleared up a lot of questions in a few choice words.

FROM PRPH ON MINNESOTA: you can give me the credit for that quote. it sounds like something i would say.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: I love the quote. Such faith comes from God.

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