Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Winning Words 9/15/10
“Man must sit in chair with mouth open for very long time before roast duck fly in.” (Chinese Proverb) I smiled at this one. But it’s the truth. We can’t just sit around and expect great things to happen in our life. Now’s the time for us to push away from that computer, get out of the chair, and begin working toward accomplishing our goals, whatever they might be….and then comes the roast duck! ;-) Jack

FROM SL IN MICHIGAN: Thanks for the "pep talk"! ....and for your nuggets of knowledge that you pass on to all of us! FROM JACK: Do you know of the cereals....PEP and GRAPE-NUTS (nuggets)? I think I'll have QUAKER OATS today.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Laughed out loud on this one. It's a very, very funny image and even funnier contemporarily with so many of us spending time sitting at our computers though do appreciate the computer here to be able to get the message. Pushing myself away now. FROM JACK: Today I read that Bill Mahar said: "If you find yourself laughing, something in you says, 'Ooh, there may be some truth to that.'" I like Bill...most of the time, but not all of the time.

FROM MF IN MICHIGAN: Great inspiration, made my mouth water. Roast Duck, Wild rice, burgundy sauce, mmmm. FROM JACK: From your experience as a cook, you know that the preparation comes first. The goal is not achieved without the work.

FROM MT IN PENNSYVANIA: I'm looking for roast duck by this time next year! Meanwhile, am working round the clock some days, to make sure the duck flies right! FROM JACK: Another Chinese proverb say: "Duck that tries to fly without stopping to rest can wind up as dead duck."

FROM CZB IN COLORADO: LOVE this one! I'm passing it along : ) It is such a great visual as well.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: So right. I went to China thirty years ago and was fascinated by people exercising in groups on the street. I decided I would like to study Tai Chi. This week, I took my first class. Figured I'd better not wait much longer. FROM JACK: You don't do Tai Chi sitting in a chair, do you?

FROM PRDM IN MICHIGAN: In this case sitting at the computer prompts me to "push away" for now from the computer toward some worthy goals... FROM JACK: Not all goals are worthy. are they. My mother-in-law was a church music director, and she would carefully choose her music. She did not want something that was not "worthy." Lately, it seems like anything goes. That doesn't mean that the "new" is not worthy. It means that church music should be chosen with thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laughed out loud on this one. It's a very, very funny image and even funnier contemporarily with so many of us spending time sitting at our computers though do appreciate the computer here to be able to get the message. Pushing myself away now.
S.H. in MI