Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winning Words 9/14/10
“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.” (Yogi Berra) Berra is better known as a Hall of Fame baseball player than as a philosopher and theologian. His words, quoted today, can be used to explain something about preparation for eternal life. They can also say something about the value of setting a direction for where we want to go in this life. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Especially enjoyed your WW this morning. They explain things to a T. This might be one reason to hang around church folks a lot, at least I can find my way to the church and maybe there will be some help to help me figure out where I'm going and to actually get there. It's the most careful thing I can think to do anyway. The computer, even here at the library, wouldn't let me make a comment on your blog but I'm
thankful it will probably let me reply. FROM JACK: When you want to post something on the blog, you must send it to me, and then I will post it. That way inappropriate remarks are filtered out.

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