Monday, April 19, 2010

Winning Words 4/19/10
“It’s difficult to steer a parked car, so get moving.” (Henrietta Mears) Most people I know, including myself, could stand to have this posted prominently. Procrastination is not only a big word; it’s also a big problem. When I really need to get moving, I make a list and cross out the accomplished tasks, one by one. ;-) Jack

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: I have always been a great believer of lists....if I can find it! FROM JACK: On my list, I tend to tackle the easy ones first. But the most satisfying feeling comes when I can cross off one of the hard ones

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BL: This is a great word for today. I've been procrastinating contacting two people.

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: How long do you think it will take you to post it prominently? Ha! Happy Monday. FROM JACK: I'm going to put it right next to my "Obama for President" poster so I can see it regularly.

FROM CS IN MICHIGAN: I love this one Jack....I too make a list and cross off the accomplishments one by one. FROM JACK: #1 on my list. I need to do that more often.

FROM MOLINER CF: Do you prioritize your list? FROM JACK: I just use Priority Mail at the post office.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I believe my procrastination is directly tied into a fear of failure. If the goal seems really risky and my abilities way too limited, then I'm likely to keep putting off doing anything. The problem is basically the car--it's not only parked it's of an unlikely make and year to put on the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe my procrastination is directly tied into a fear of failure. If the goal seems really risky and my abilities way too limited, then I'm likely to keep putting off doing anything. The problem is basically the car--it's not only parked it's of an unlikely make and year to put on the road.
S.H. in MI