Monday, February 01, 2010

Winning Words 2/1/10
“What if we get to heaven and find that God has let everybody in?” (Wally Armbruster) Would you feel that God duped us? A friend suggested that I try to develop some “conversation starters” to get people talking and thinking together. Why not ask someone today if they think that you’ll be going to heaven? ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: You know that old story about a person telling something to a person at the head of a line, and the story is passed on to each person down the line, and finally at the end of the line the story is entirely different than what was originally said? Using that analogy, we can't say God duped us. It seems that the Biblical writers and translators were the ones who misled us. FROM JACK: Translating anything is an inexact science. In theology there are some who believe that "the Holy Spirit" has guided the minds and hands of the trnslators of the Scriptures so that no mistakes would be made. Others believe that the Scriptures are a simple recording of an oral history. I think that most theologians are in the middle. However, the basic thought in the quote, as I see it, is that "heaven is God's party" and he is the untimate doorkeeper and judge.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: Then God is a liar, and He cannot sin. FROM JACK: I would be careful about calling God, a liar. In fact that word, liar, is one that I try to avoid using. However, I think I know the point that you are trying to make. The point of today's WWs, is that God is the one who decides. I happen to think that God will choose you, but I'm not in his shoes (sandals).

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: My husband said, "Yes, dear, you'll be going to heaven." When I asked him if he thinks he'll be going to heaven, he said "I don't know." But I actually don't think that minute of conversation was enough time for us to actually to think about it. I'll broach the subject to him again tonight when he gets home. But I do know someone who seems very ambivalent about the church and who has lots of difficulty not doing antisocial things and I do believe people can say, on their own, "No" to God even if he wants to let them in. Thanks for your provocative WW--maybe they will help us to live more care-fully today. FROM JACK: That's what I had in mind for today's WWs.

FROM LK IN OHIO: I'm through raising that question......though confident of access myself, others around me aren't at all sure,ha. FROM JACK: You're right! It's a personal issue. MORE FROM LK: Yeah, I don't know if they're sure about themselves....I DO know they're unsure about me,ha.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i learned about a merciful and all forgiving god. if we have to ask for forgiveness, what becomes of those who do not have the capabilities to ask? FROM JACK: Your missing ingredient is Grace (God's love); "Heaven" is not dependent on our (anyone's) action. MORE FROM ML: my point exactly!

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Everyone has the possibility but they might have to spend some time in purgatory. FROM JACK: I thought that the Catholic Church changed the rules....and that there no longer is a purgatory. I like what Iris DeMent sings: Some say they're goin' to a place called Glory and I ain't saying it ain't a fact.
But I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatory and I don't like the sound of that. Well, I believe in love and I live my life accordingly. But I choose to let the mystery be.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: On the other hand, what if we get to heaven and find that a lot of people have been excluded? What a shock that would be to those who have abandoned the scriptural teachings!!! FROM JACK: ...and on the other hand, what if you get there yourself...and you're alone?

FROM NE IN MICHIGAN: I wouldn't feel duped, It's not like; "I do good things to try to get to Heaven." I'm pretty certain that any "good" I ever do is all God's doing...working through me. It wouldn't surprise me if "everyone" was there... Grace & forgiveness would not surprise me. (In fact, I'm counting on it!) FROM JACK: That's the kind of response that I like to hear. Grace is such a great gift!

FROM EB IN MICHIGAN: Jack is a day late.... FROM JACK: Now, I have to ask, WHY? Knowing you, you have a reason.

FROM LI IN ILLINOIS: I'm not sure how people would feel about my asking that question... I imagine there are people in heaven who will be a big surprise. FROM JACK: Ask your dad. But, if you were to ask me, I'd say, "Yes."

FROM MOLINER CF: Only your friends think you are going to heaven. The people who don't know you wont have a clue so will say yes. That leaves your enemies. FROM JACK: "What a friend we have in Jesus."

FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO: Jack, this is one we discuss quite often in our Bible study group. We cover the extremes such as Hitler, Stalin and that sort. It leads to some interesting discussions. FROM JACK: I hope you get to the point of discussing how miraculous it is that anyone gets in, rather than spending time talking about who is kept out. Wasn't it Paul who said that he was the chief of sinners? Would he make the cut?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband said, "Yes, dear, you'll be going to heaven." When I asked him if he thinks he'll be going to heaven, he said "I don't know." But I actually don't think that minute of conversation was enough time for us to actually to think about it. I'll broach the subject to him again tonight when he gets home. But I do know someone who seems very ambivalent about the church and who has lots of difficulty not doing antisocial things and I do believe people can say, on their own, "No" to God even if he wants to let them in.
Thanks for your provocative WW--maybe they will help us to live more care-fully today.
S.H. in MI