Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winning Words 12/16/09
“Failure is success if we learn from it.” (Malcolm Forbes) Thomas Edison had more failed inventions than successful ones, but failure helped him become a better inventor. Babe Ruth once held two records…1) He hit the most home runs…and 2) He struck out more than anyone else. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: I think the word you want is "struck" but then Ruth also stuck out a lot! (Due to his eating and drinking habits). FROM JACK: Picky, picky. Because of your sharp eye, I went back and changed it.

FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: Abe Lincoln had a long string of "failures" before he became president...a true lesson in persistence! FROM JACK: And maybe that's what made him great. People seem to react negatively toward anyone that comes across as perfect.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: That's an accurate quote. I once got a D- grade on a Term Paper and it shook me up. From then on I made sure I was prepared, and devoted the proper time to writing about something. It improved my writing and my interest in others' writing. FROM JACK: A D- does capture one's attention; an F, even more so. Sometimes I think a teacher uses a grade to "wake up" an under-preforming student.

FROM DMF IN MINNESOTA: Are you talking about Babe Ruth’s belly? FROM JACK: You shouldn't make fun of old people and their mistakes.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: In today's social climate where people seem to get such joy from people failing, especially morally, I think "stuck out" are actually the correct words. Probably in some other climate we would concentrate more on the things people are trying to do with their skills and talents and less on their personalities and social failures. I sort of hope we're all learning to stop enjoying our culture so much and clean ourselves up. FROM JACK: In Babe's case, he got into trouble off the field, too.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: How interesting about Babe Ruth,,,a bridge expert in his book on winning bridge, said if you don't go down on 1/4th of your bids, you are not bidding enough! Something to think about! FROM JACK: I'm thinking.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: how true that is. At our age we just move on now matter what is happening, don.t your think? FROM JACK: You got me to think....Can I remember my first failure? When did I first start keeping track? You're right...Just move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In today's social climate where people seem to get such joy from people failing, especially morally, I think "stuck out" are actually the correct words. Probably in some other climate we would concentrate more on the things people are trying to do with their skills and talents and less on their personalities and social failures. I sort of hope we're all learning to stop enjoying our culture so much and clean ourselves up.
S.H. in MI