Friday, September 11, 2009

Winning Words 9/11/09
“The future has a way of arriving unannounced.” (George Will) Eight years ago as the day began, who would have thought that a horrific world-changing event would shortly take place? We never know, do we? It can happen on a personal scale, too. As kids, in one of our games, we used to call out, “Ready or not…” ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I appreciated your Winning Words this morning. Remembering the victims of 9/ll but also with 20/20 hindsight I am also remembering the victims of our response to that tragedy, the number of men and women who were apprehended, imprisoned without recourse to a rational justice system, and in some cases tortured. The future that came unannounced to them must have been horrific to say the least. There seems to be no way, in my own mind at least, to make the irrational rational and I think that has been
the most horrific world changing experience in my own recent memory. The law was bent to accommodate us. Just trying to deal with it all now. Thanks for your Winning Words, remembering and helping us to be sober this day.

FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA: So very true, and a good reminder that we should live every day striving to be our best selves. FROM JACK:
The sand in the hour glass keeps on dropping. The glass is dark, so we don't know how much sand is left.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: 9-11-2001 I was framing out the house I currently live in. A surreal moment in time, like when JFK was shot (I was 7) you don't forget.

FROM L IN ILLINOIS: And who would have dreamed that in the near future such terrorist masterminds as the one behind Lockerbie would be released-- only to return to a "welcome home" bash? History may not forget, but humans do.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Yes, September 11 was a life-changing event in all of our lives. Some "events" leave much chaos and unsettling but some bring with them a completely different view forever. I give you this quote from an unknown person, at least to me...."The greater friend of truth is time and her constant companion is humility."

FROM MOLINER CF: We sure can't plan for it , can we. FROM JACK: Not completely.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: It pays to be ready.

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