Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jack’s Winning Words 1/13/09
“Money is like time. The important thing is not how you save it, but how you spend it.”
(An ad seen on Canadian TV) I remember my mother saying: “Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a Promissory Note; Today is the only cash you have—so spend it wisely.” Isn’t it strange how certain things jog the memory bank? Today’s quote did that for me. Any jogging for you about spending time and money? ;-) Jack

FROM M.F. IN MI: Yes, my memory was jogged, I've always like that quote.

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: Don't let it run you.....be generous with it and don't waste it

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Three comments I remember from my parents are: 1) Money doesn't grow on trees, 2) We aren't made of money, and 3) Here's a nickel...don't spend all of it in one place.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Yes...we always had the kids put their gift of money or their earnings in three places...one for God, one for savings and one for spending. My grandma would say...One for God one for us. I don't think we are doing so well with those sayings these days. But there's always tomorrow.
PS Our favorite show is a Canadian show called "Corner Gas". It's simple...no swearing, no sex and no violence. It's hard to find on tv so we ordered the DVD's. It's our favorite tv to re-watch over and over again. Too funny!

FROM INDY GENIE: This qote reminds me of something I read in the book "The Delaney Sisters". "Life is short, it's up to us to make it sweet"

FROM J.G. IN MN: A thought that came to mind ... whether it be time or money is ..."waste not, want not"

FROM L.P. IN MI: At my first salaried job I calculated out how much money I made for 10 minutes on the job. To help me stay focused I discretely posted a note to myself saying "was the last 10 mins worth $$?" MORE:
The other time-is-money memory I have is from Frank when I worked at the Keego Dairy Queen. He told a mopey employee once "I don't pay you to have boyfreind troubles. You just leave those at the back door. You can pick them up on the way out"It's funny what sticks in the mind. Do you ever hear from Frank and Patty? I am still thankful for that phone call from you suggesting that I apply to work there. It was a great first job.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: I've always had trouble with the word "spend". I prefer "imvest". FROM JACK: I should forward this to Bernie Madoff. He's looking for people like you.

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: Yes, don't spend money that you don't have and enjoy each day.

FROM J.E. IN MI: Thank you so much for adding me to this list. WOW. I’ve been inspired already. Today’s WW:

FROM CJL IN OH: Today's quote was used by Hank Stram while he was coach of KC. Funny how these things go. First your Mom and then Hank.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Your Ma hit the knickle on it's head, my parents always promoted saving, which was interesting, we never had anything to save as kids. It wasn't until the war started ( damn ) that we had money, and until we got out of college that we had anything to save

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stand it, the curiosity--do you know what the ad was selling, Pastor Freed? I agree with it wholeheartedly. We can't buy "security". Is that the problem with that first big chunk of bailout money going to the banking institutions? Instead of using it to extend credit to people, they used the $350 billion or whatever to merge entities and and do deals to keep building their own assets or whatever. I'm in way over my head on this subject but my instincts tell me the Canadians have a good ad here.