Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 12/11/07
“ If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.”
(Einstein) I’ve never thought of Albert as someone with a sense of humor. But why not? As humans, we are more the same than we are different. I’d like to know more about the real Einstein. Remember that equation: A=X+Y+Z. Here’s to success in your life! ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: A little-known fact about Albert (which aided in his success) is that he and his brother created Einstein Bros. Bagels. Albert later postulated E=mc2, while exploring the idea of nuclear fission, in an effort to find something that could break open a stale bagel.

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: Back in 4th grade we had to read a biography of Einstein. I'm sure the book is still floating around my parents house somewhere. I don't recall much of the details of his life but I didn't have the sense that he was particularly dour. It is definitely an interesting formula that he has put forth.

FOLLOW UP FROM L.P.: Ha! nah, my 4th grade teacher was just a bit nuts. He had served in the Canadian armed services--Major Vaughn. He smoked a pipe, played the bagpipes, and ran his classroom like a ship. Every morning after we recited the pledge of allegiance we sang the national anthem. I was number 8 (we all had numbers) and the row of desks that I sat in was called Ajax. I actually liked the guy though and I must say that 4th grade was probably my most memorable elementary school year.

FROM REV J.S. IN MICHIGAN: The biography EINSTEIN which came out this past year is a great place to start....I loved it and I think you would too.

FROM DR H.R. IN MICHIGAN: Be cautious in wishing to know more, in many ways knowing more about someone only diminishes their shine. There is a wonderful new biography called Einstein, by Walter Isaacson. I have read it and it provides as complete a picture of the man as you might wish and his physics in relatively easy to understand language. I would be glad to lend it to you.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Never was good at algebra but it sounds like a successful endeavor to me! And Einstein was an overcomer of great obstacles so he would know! I read a book on Einstein and he had a wonderful sense of humor. Hope you have a lot of laughs today too!

FROM MOLINER, L.P.: Hi, again. Humor is another form of intelligence. I've always thought that God probably has a good sense of humor, too.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Even in his humor, ol' Al was relevant.

MORE FROM C.F.: Did you know that the literal interpretaion of Einstien is "One Mug"?

FOLLOW UP TO C.F. FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Regarding Moliner C.F.'s comment about Einstein meaning literally "one mug", that is perhaps humor, or is just wrong. The literal translation of the German "Ein-stein" would be "one stone". Stein is German for stone, and the use of "stein" to mean beer mug is no doubt because they were made of ceramic stoneware, thus shortened to stone.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: It sounds like when people ask why we do what we do we should tell them clearly and otherwise we should shut up and just listen to them. Einstein's words do resonate with these words for evangelizing. I'm trying to take them to heart.

FROM L.H. IN OHIO: I've never really gotten the "Z" part of it,ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the "keeping your mouth shut" part of Einstein's quote that makes me want to know more about what was in his mind and also causes some doubt for me about the wisdom of my own choices. If Einstein were the preacher and I was in the pew, I'd be fidgeting about now. Still do think plenty of times it's better to speak up too. Wonder if Einstein had some experience where he regretted something he said. Or if he just observed others making mistakes.