Monday, October 09, 2006

“They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of him as somewhat of a recluse.”
(Emily Dickinson) E. D. was obsessively private and withdrew from social contacts when she was 23. Maybe that’s why she wrote words like this quote. Is God a recluse in your life? ;-) Jack


Anonymous said...

They say that God is everywhere, I take that as truth, and further believe He is always active, constantly coming into our lives. I wonder if the reclusive God was comforting to Emily Dickinson being together with her in her own reclusivity. God brings relationships into my life constantly pulling me outside of myself making me feel everyday that He is everywhere after all.

Anonymous said...

The late architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is credited with saying, "God is in the details." He was referring to his architecture, but I think he was too limiting. To my mind God is in every detail of every thing.