Monday, October 02, 2006

“We must believe in free will. We have no choice.”
(Isaac Singer) One of the great gifts from God is Free Will. It also gives relevance to God’s Grace. I hope that you choose to make good choices today. ;-) Jack

J. S.'s COMMENT ABOUT MY COMMENT....Are you related on your mother's side to Erasmus?

The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.

FROM M. L. IN ILL...choice is key. it gives opportunity to be responsible to one's self. sadly, it seems to be endangered at times. have a great day if you choose to!

I like quotes like this that have conflicting statements. (From D. F. IN MN)

FROM SOMEONE NAMED, ANONYMOUS...I always like choosing to look at your WW each day. They are so thought-provoking and stimulating of daily meditation. But I actually wonder if I have choice in the matter because I have such curiousity if you put WW on in the morning and, if I didn't look at them, the rest of my day is spent wondering. I have a very hard time choosing not to be curious. Even the ones filled with conflict are welcome ones to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always like choosing to look at your WW each day. They are so thought-provoking and stimulating of daily meditation. But I actually wonder if I have choice in the matter because I have such curiousity if you put WW on in the morning and, if I didn't look at them, the rest of my day is spent wondering. I have a very hard time choosing not to be curious. Even the ones filled with conflict are welcome ones to think about.