Monday, November 26, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 11/26/18
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”  (Seneca)  Wow!  2000 years ago, and they had the same problems as today…Don’t miss opportunities when they come.  I suppose we’ve all missed a few great chances, but let’s not dwell on that.  I like the sound of the word, ruminate, but I don’t like what it stands for…focusing in on the “what ifs.”  There’s a slogan by my computer: Get tough…Get off your duff!  It means, Get going and build that door!   ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  That is true of evangelism in the church...too many churches are waiting for people to come to them....we need to build bridges to the neighborhood and find folks.===JACK:
At our church we recently invited the Salvation Army brass ensemble to give a concert for the community, and people also signed up to be kettle bell ringers.  It was televised by the local cable channel.  We also have a community Christmas carol sing each year.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i am reminded of the saying:   opportunity may knock just once but temptation tries to knock the whole door down!===JACK:  Our doorbell doesn't work, so I've put a sign by it...DOORBELL DOESN'T WORK!  PLEASE KNOCK.  I should add...REALLY HARD! ===SP:  well.  great minds run in the same channels.  at least that is what i was taught to believe:):):)

FROM SHALOM JAN:  As I wind down the day and get to read my email, your Winning Words hit a "remembrance chord".  Years ago, while helping to register fellow youth for an old ALC Eastern District gathering, I noticed a sign in the hallway of the college building where we were meeting: "Opportunity knocks, but it doesn't knock down the door" -- which means, in many ways, the same thing -- get up and get going!===JACK:  Someone just told me that tomorrow is Giving Tuesday.  Could that be opportunity knocking at my door (...and yours)?

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  And as Henry David Thoreau reminds us, "It's not enough to be busy. So are the ants.  The question is, What are we busy about?" Taking the "right" opportunity for me, that
is the key! Each day brings opportunities, whether small, or Life-changing!

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