Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 9/4/18
“Next to God, we are nothing.  To God, we are everything.”  (Cicero)  During Cicero’s time, people’s names had strange meanings.  His name meant, chickpea.  Catulus was, puppy, and Scaurus was, swollen ankle.  Today’s most popular names are Olivia (always smiling) and Noah (long-lived).  At baptism, the pastor gives the person a more important name, “Child of God.”  It recalls what Cicero said, “To God, you are everything.”  Hold that thought, today!   ;-)  Jack

FROM RVB:  Amen, I’m holding on tight in prayer  Blessings on your day!  From one child to another Child of God  (no matter our age)===JACK:  Sometimes, when we're on a roller coaster, we're told to "hang on tight!"  That goes for "life" too...especially when we're holding on to the hand of our Lord.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good thought. You're a little late today.===JACK:  It's always a good thought to know that God cares about us.  BTW, the Hawkeyes looked good in their football game last week...and I'm "late" because I'm still in MN on CDT.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  What a wonderful thought!  God loves us so much it’s unbelievable!  Good thought for today.===JACK:  Jesus loves me, this I know -or- Jesus knows me, this I love.

FROM FM IN WI:  Jack,  a great word for today!    Thanks.===JACK:  I write, because I think I know my clientele.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Named and claimed as a Child of God. Yes that's  good news any day in any language!  Taking 16 AB  Women on a tour of our recently renovated Governor's Mansion on this hot Sept. afternoon, but as Children of God we will enjoy the outing & praise Him for the opportunity!===JACK:  "I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Governor!'"

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Love it!  Thanks so much for bolstering my favorite name: Child of God! ===JACK:  I like the hymn, "Children of the Heavenly Father."  I like both better than "Royal Priesthood."

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