Friday, September 28, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 9/28/18
“I don’t like that man.  I must get to know him better.”  (A. Lincoln)  Before Lincoln became President, an Illinois newspaper editor described him as “weak, wishy-wash, disgusting and an imbecile.”  I wonder if he was the one that Abe wanted to get to know better?  Usually, when someone says bad things about us, we “unfriend” them.  I once sat down with such a person to  get to know him better.  While I did not “re-friend” him, I did feel better afterward.   ;-)  Jack

FROM DR PHIL:  ,  Great quote. Hope you're well. Pray for your continued grace and effectiveness. ===JACK:  Your response is a reminder that God continues to be a worker of miracles.

FROM HONEST JOHM:  The whole business of "unfriending" someone on FB is kind of eerie.    In the past, you might just drift away from a person.   This new thing is so abrupt....and seems so irreversible.===JACK:  "Friend/Unfriend" has become a figure of speech.  "Friend" is added to the list of stolen words, like "Evangelical."  You can probably think of others.===JOHN:  I know of the Society of Friends....I wonder if there is a Society of the Unfriended?===JACK:  What a great name for a church...Society of Friends.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  what a good quote for the day!   whenever someone at the church had an "issue" with me or the church, i always tried to set up a coffee time to talk.  it usually worked wonders.   people today just want to be heard and taken seriously.===JACK:  To be taken seriously goes for both sides of the table.  I'm a firm believer in face-to-face over computer-to-computer.  ===PAUL:  there is no substitute for face to face.  that is why Jesus came incarnate.   flesh to flesh. ===JACK:  Jesus is God's way of helping us to know the unknowable.===PAUL:  PROFOUND!

FROM JB AT LSTC:  Thanks, Jack – this is wisdom for our time!===JACK:  I learned this kind of wisdom at Augustana Seminary, one of the founding schools of LSTC.  Through your writing, you are helping to carry on the "wisdom" teaching.

FROM JB IN OLV:  Love it!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  This world is in such a Godless place, filled with pure hate, it’s unreal.  What a sad sad commentary.  If we learned to listen without an agenda, what a wonderful thought.
We need a Lincoln and an open heart.===JACK:  "This is my Father's world, O let me ne'er forget!"  Lincoln was aware of that.  He mentioned it in some of his writings.  He was aware, even  in the midst of the Civil War, the worst war in our history...that our country had not been left God-less.  I know what you mean, Judy, be need to be reminded of God's promise: "I will never leave you nor forsake you."===JUDY:  I cling to that promise..”I will never leave you or forsake you!”  God has blessed this world with more good people than not.  I’m thankful for you and your words!

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