Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 7/3/18
“I am not an American,  I am the American.”  (Quoted by Mark Twain)  M.T. is more than Tom Sawyer.  Ken Burns called him, “the” American.  He loved the freedoms of his country.  He used freedom of speech to question political leaders, even the President (Teddy R.).  He used freedom of the press to expose racism and hypocrisy,   By writing about his travels, he helped show the world to America.  He wasn’t afraid to be critical of the Church, either, when it needed criticism.  Like him or not…to me he represents America, “the land that I love.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM DR JUDY:  Keep preaching Jack! Maybe more people will remember the importance of free speech, free press, and as we used to say “questioning authority “.===JACK: FROM DR JUDY:  Keep preaching Jack! Maybe more people will remember the importance of free speech, free press, and as we used to say “questioning authority “===JACK:  Our freedoms...so important.  Try living in a place without them.  NO< thank you!.===DJ:  Right! Yet for many in our country suddenly there is the fear of just that-living in a country without freedoms. And of course reminds so many of us of the poem:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
===JACK:  That happened in Nazi Germany, or have we forgotten?===DJ:  amazing what we have seemingly forgotten. Sigh.===JACK:  Philosopher Santayana was probably correct when we wrote:  "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  ...and, sadly, we cannot depend on "doctored" history books to tell the story correctly, or to tell it at all.===DJ:  Excellent inference!===JACK:  Isn't it sad?  We used to take "truth-tellers" for granted.  Now, we can't depend on history books for telling the truth.  We are being told that what we read and hear is "fake news."  Everyone seems to have a "spin"...even the clergy!===DJ:  Other than prayer, Jack, which really is not a ‘nothing’!, Do you have any suggestions?===JACK:  Even "prayer" has lost some of its luster, with the ubicquitous "our thoughts and prayers are with you."  What more can be done?  - By not taking values for granted - By conversations such as we are having - By not being afraid to say, "The emperor has no clothes!" - By "truly" having a little talk with God about things that concern us.  After all, that's what prayer really is.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  And, he grew up on the Mississippi!===JACK:  I like the appellation, "The Father of Waters."  It was a special privilege to have grown up on the shores of that river that had so much to do with the unfolding of our country.

FROM MM:  Thanks Pastor Freed.  Twain was an interesting guy.  Did you ever read The Mysterious Stranger? ===JACK:  I'll have to put that on my "to do" list.  You always seem to come up with some thought[provoking suggestions.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  I wonder what MT would say to those who believe his books should be banned in schools because of issues such as the “N” word.  I would like to hear his speech to the Board of Educations that consider those issues.===JACK:  As we used to say...He'd have apoplexy!  They are too many so-called educators today who are like the Straw Man in the Wizard of Oz before he met Dorothy.===PAUL:  I find that people are far more confident in what they say and do in the midst of their own choir.===JACK:  What's surprising about that?

FROM ANNE McCL  Happy Independence Day===JACK:  What do you remember about the day?  I remember how people would attach little flags to the radiator caps on their car.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I like M.Twain's quote: "Travel is fatal to prejudice , bigotry, and narrow mindedness...and 'many of our people need it sorely on these accounts! Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the Earth, all one's lifetime!"  It  is as true today, as it was in his day, and I keep that quote posted on my computer. There are many with the  courage in our country today who are marching and rising in protest over issues in gov't. and women's rights, my daughter among them.Hopefully it will help to ensure our continued freedom of our precious rights in the U.S.!===JACK:  Marching is good exercise, but the voting in November will tell whether or not it's good for something else.===OAKS:  Exactly! Will it have voter effect? I pray so!===JACK:  Wondering...If Russians can affect elections, can praying do the same thing?===OAKS:  Well, it didn't work in the last election; but I'll persevere in praying
for a different outcome!===JACK:  Oh, prayer works...so keep on praying!!!  In the Lord's Prayer, we don't pray, "My will be done," but "Thy will be done."  When it comes to answered prayer, we often use a stopwatch while God may be using a calendar. I try to keep that in mind when I am "desperately" praying.

FROM GOPHER LYNN:  Good message for today.===JACK:  We don't appreciate our freedoms enough!

FROM INDY GENIE:  Oh my goodness....I just laughed out loud when I read your response about the  “Straw Man in the Wizard of Oz before he met Dorothy” !! I have to write these subtleties down and use them!===JACK:  Come to think about it, there are some politicians who are like the Tin Man and the Lion before they met Dorothy.

FROM JB IN OLV:  Good one!===JACK:  Some are better than others.  I enjoyed writing this one.

FACEBOOK LIZ sent a picture of the American flag, displaying a circle of 13 stars.===JACK:  Without Google, do you know why the flag is referred to as, Old Glory?

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Very good. Have a Happy 4th tomorrow!===JACK:  DEM or GOP,, it's the same flag!  Here's another Twain quote: "In truth I care little about any party's politics--the man behind it is the important thing."

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