Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 2/24/15
“The ones who are hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most.”  (Peaceful Warrior)  When my sister (a pastor’s wife) would meet up with someone who wasn’t particularly likeable, she would bake a batch of cookies and give it to that person the next time they met.  It’s surprising how often the relationship changed into a more positive one.  I’ve found that “angry” people usually have other issues in their life, so I try hard to give them some slack.    ;-)  Jack

FROM BS IN ENGLAND: Angela read a book once entitled  How to love those that I don't even like.  (Something like that ) Unfortunately I cannot put my hands on that book.  It would be good to read!====JACK:  You're up early today!  Ooops!  That's right.  It's mid-morning in England.  But, maybe that's when you get up.  I tried Google, but couldn't find the book.  It appears to be one that I'd love/like.====BS:  No! You are the one who gets up early.   I am usually up around 7 am, except when we have Cafe Church  at 9.30 am once a month.  Then I leave the house at 8.15 as I have a 45 minute drive to collect Enid, aged 102, and take her to church.====Tell me more about Café Church and Enid.  Both sound like there's more to the story.

FROM JB AT LSTC:  Thanks for this reminder, Jack. This reminds me of the old song (by Cole Porter?) “You’d Be So Easy to Love.”====JACK:  One of his lesser known songs was, "Olga, Come Back to the Volga."

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  How come YOU never made ME a batch of cookies. I think it should have been a family tradition.====JACK:  How about a batch of Biscottini di Vino Rossa?

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  ♥====JACK:  Ask Chester to sing the Mills Brothers song, "You Always Hurth the One You Love."

FROM TARMART REV:  Good and challenging thought this morning . . . When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Mark 2:17)====JACK:  I like the song, "There Is a Balm In Gilead To Make the SIN-SICK whole."====REV:  That one comes to my mind often as well.====JACK:  Is it in the AG songbook?  We have it in ours.  How about the verse….
 If you can’t preach like Peter,
 If you can’t pray like Paul,
 Just tell the love of Jesus,
 And say He died for all.
FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Yes, Bill made that point many times! Bertrand Russell once said, "Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness." Most curmudgeons respond eventually to kindness and a loving spirit. That's not saying it's easy to "love" these people, but we know God loves them unconditionally, so...!====JACK:  Grace...How does God do it?  For us, sometimes it's a real problem.

FROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  This is so true and SO hard sometimes. ;o)====JACK:  As an introduction to his famous chapter on LOVE (1 Corinthians 13), St. Paul writes:  "I will show you a more perfect way to be followers of Jesus."  (paraphrased)

FROM KF IN MICHIGAN:  Your sister sounds like someone I would like (& her cookies)!====JACK:  When she comes to Detroit the next time I'll introduce you to her.  She might even have a batch of homemade cookies for you.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  That happens in other circumstances, too, don't you think?  When a friend or an acquaintance suddenly changes, it is very possible that something has happened to them that has nothing to do with you.====JACK:  You're right!  Usually there are reasons behind the way people act.  Our is not to pre-judge, without trying to find out "the rest of the story."

FROM CH ON CAPE COD:  I’ll have to try that sometime – what your sister did.  Sounds great.  And if I don’t implement it sooner, it could make a great (private) Lenten discipline!====JACK:  I'll have to ask her....Did she give the cookies to make them feel guilty, or did she do it in order to mend a frayed relationship--or both?====CH:  Oh, I don’t question her motives at all.  I think it would be a great Lenten discipline to take on precisely because I think it’s all about mending frayed relationships, or keeping relationships from fraying.  I think it’s admirable.====JACK:  She really does have a good heart, so I should give her the benefit of the doubt.  But, I'm still going to ask her.

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