Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Winning Words 5/29/13
“Wax and wane is the world’s way.”  (Japanese Proverb)  There’s an old definition for the word “wax” which means, to increase in size.  And, of course, “wane” means to grow smaller.  Used together, they refer to the moon, as it seems to change size.  Even the events of this world seem to wax and wane.  Robert Schuller wrote a book: “Tough Times Never Last; Tough People Do.”  Let the moon be a reminder of this.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  "Arise fair Sun and slay the envious Moon"====JACK:  I might have expected a Shakespearean quote from you.  Did you hear those words at one of the Stratford festivals?

 FROM WALMART REV:  "Waxing and waning" in Willmar, MN today, Jack..."onward and upward!"  ====JACK:  I hope that there's more waxing than waning.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Enjoyed your explanation of these words, especially in regards to the moon. This makes the saying even more profound in my mind than I have ever thought about it before.====JACK:  Those who work in the hospital ERs say that more crazy stuff happens when the moon is full.  Why?

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  That's a saying I haven't heard in a long time.  We were taught all about the moon and tides by the waxing and waning of the moon!  Definitely applicable today in our lives .====JACK:  Waxing and waning....just like breathing.

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  Like.====JACK:  Our minds think a"like" on this one.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'VE READ THE SCHULLER BOOK, AND THOUGHT IT INSPIRING AT THE TIME. WE VISITED THE CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL, AFTER WE RETIRED, WHICH OF COURSE WAS NOT TO  MY BILL'S TASTE, BUT I WAS PRETTY ENTHRALLED WITH IT ALL. BILL WAS MORE IMPRESSED WITH SCHULLER WHEN HE WAS HOLDING SERVICES AT THE DRIVE-IN MOVIE VENUE, BEFORE HE BECAME RICH AND FAMOUS.   AS DO MANY THINGS, THEIR MINISTRY HAS WAXED AND WANED....GOOD THOUGHT FOR TODAY,; ALWAYS HOPEFUL THINGS MAY "WAX" YET AGAIN! :-)====JACK:  I once attended at Pastoral Leadership conference at the Cathedral and found it to be worthwhile.  I was most impressed that there was a congregation, beyond the TV viewers.  During the "waning" of the ministry, there were problems brought on by mismanagement during the waxing years.  At least the building is still being used as a church.

 FROM PH IN MINNESOTA:  good words for today.  how is Robert Schuller these days?  he made a huge mistake in trying to keep control of that church thru his son and daughter both of whom bombed big time as his replacements.  he should have looked for and hired the best preacher/administrator he could find in the nation to replace him.====JACK:  The Crystal Cathedral Ministry has fallen on tough times.  The health of the Schullers is not good either, from what I hear,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your explanation of these words, especially in regards to the moon. This makes the saying even more profound in my mind than I have ever thought about it before.
S.H. in MI