Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Winning Words 7/11/12
“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.”  (Abdul Kalam)  Tesla, the great physicist and inventor, was said to have had the ability to conduct experiments in his dreams.  Edison would often nap and wake up suddenly with an idea.  I dream crazy dreams at night, but my day-dreaming has produced some worthwhile ideas.  Dreams are only dreams, unless we wake up and try to put them to use.    ;-)  Jack

FROM NW, A MICHIGAN REALTOR:    Jack, see where I went with your Winning Words today////FROM JACK:  I'm blogging your words, so others can see WWs are being used.   

How true. Sometimes we let the slog of daily life consume so much time and energy that we forget to dream or lose sight of our original dreams. Whether you call it dreaming or visualizing, you have to have goals in mind that you are working towards. Otherwise another old saying takes over your life – Where ever you go, there you are.”
More often that I care to admit I’ll end a day and realize that I got caught up in the minutia of life and failed to put any effort or time into things that would further reaching my goals or dreams. Sure many of the things that I did needed to be done. There are always things that need to be done; and, if you let them just take over and control your life, you’ll never get around to dreaming or doing those things that need to be done to realize your dream.
There is an interesting story in this week’s Bloomberg Business Week about a single mom with two children struggling to make it in one of the nation’s worst areas of economic blight. It could be a really depressing story, especially since Bloomberg has taken the slant that this is a story about the decline of America; however, the story focuses enough on one aspect of this woman and her daily struggles to make it inspirational.  She has a dream of a better life for herself and her children and nothing that she has to endure on a daily basis is able to shake her off accomplishing that dream.
So give yourself a break today and take some time to dream. Visualize what it is you want or where you want to go in life and then set about planning how to achieve your dream. Working on accomplishing that plan will make every day feel a little better.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I know people who keep paper and pencil on their nightstand to record dreams and ideas when they wake at night. I never seem to remember my dreams! I'm sure I do dream, but can't recall most of them. I haven'[t come up with any million dollar ideas, either, tho occasionally when I pray for a solution to a dilemma, the answer will come to me upon awakening, so suppose my brain has been wrestling with it while I slept!  Fearfully and wonderfully made, aren't we?!////FROM JACK:  I do have a book where I record my unusual dreams.  Some of them are really odd.

FROM RS NEAR ORLANDO:  When Rom was a med student I told him of my dreams and how I couldn't remember them when I awoke.  So I asked him if he and his team mates could hang something on my head and capture my dream waves so we could print them out during the day and work on them.  He said that several of his team mates had the same problem and at that time they had no solution.  Shucks, we possibly could  have shaken hands with Mr. Edison, or Ford.

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