Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winning Words 1/17/12
“Do you believe that any of Tim Tebow’s success can be attributed to Divine Intervention?” (Pollposition.com) 43% of those responding to the survey question answered, “Yes.” My survey would ask, “Do you believe that God cares about what’s happening in your life?” You and I and TT are each important to God. Prayer is meant to be a statement of faith, not a manipulation of the Divine. ;-) Jack

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: Prayer is a statement of faith and a means of communication with our Lord....it ought to involve a lot of listening////FROM JACK: Any communication involves listening...prayer and what's going on at the kitchen table.

FROM ILLINOIS LIZ: I think God roots for Notre Dame. It's Tim Tebow's faith in God, and therefore his faith in himself and his own abilities, that wins games. Sometimes... I love Tim Tebow, and the fact that he is not afraid of or intimidated by anyone who doesn't acknowledge his right to freedom of religion and expression.////FROM JACK: On a building, behind one of the goalposts at ND Stadium, there's a figure of Jesus with his hands upraised. It is commonly referred to as, "Touchdown Jesus>" (Google it) Even with a priest usually on the ND bench, they don't seem to win 'em all.////LIZ AGAIN: I'm quite familiar with the looming Touchdown Jesus. Bet he doesn't like that Coach Brian Kelly left his Cincinnati kids in the lurch pre-bowl game a couple of years ago... I think it stinks, anyway. They've had a couple of bad seasons, for sure...I love their games, tho, because as I read once-- every college considers ND a rival!////FROM JACK: One of my confirmation students went to ND and often was the only non-Catholic in a class. She learned a lot at that university, and others learned a lot from her, as well. It's a good school. I just wish that they'd break down and join the Big Ten.

FROM GO BLU IN OHIO: I believe God shows NOTHING to us through sports, any more than through other aspects of living......and dying. He says to me, I am the one who causes things to happen, and I won't be manipulated." In terms of life history, I've developed a rather tragic sense of things....from boyhood on........YET, I KNOW WITH CERTAINTY that God does care deeply about me and what is happening in my life........when I am able to see the big picture, take the long view, I absolutely am confident God is in charge. ////FROM JACK: There's a Big Picture that outdoes the HD JumboTron. It's strange that we often forget that and chase after that which the media feeds us. In all of life, look at the Big Picture. Eventually, it will all make sense.

FROM MY ATTORNEY: I believe that God is in every foxhole of life, be it on the football field or in the trenches of a war.////FROM JACK: A fox hole and a bird nest are places of refuge. When things get tough, all creatures seek somewhere to feel safe. Those who have faith in God have their refuge. Others are willing to "go it alone." We all make choices.

FROM TRIHARDER IN MICHIGAN: a better question, Jack. Tivo's question is "Is G-d a football fan." Does G-d favor the more righteous team? Or the more righteous sport? Or the more righteous city? ... I think an athlete's statement thanking G-d should be "I thank G-d for allowing me to reach my full potential." But, I wish G-d would also, at the same time, look after the less fortunate.////FROM JACK: Somewhere in the Bible there's a verse, something like this: "Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without G-d knowing an caring." Some religious groups, on Super Bowl Sunday, choose to go in a different direction and make a concerted effort to feed the hungry. They call it Souper Bowl Sunday. The good thing is that most of these groups have a continuing concern for the less fortunate. I think that G-d cares about what they are doing.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I think that his demonstration of faith served to be a very good role model for everyone. His winning and losing were beside the point and his behavior in both instances shows all of us (particulary the kids) how living "the right way" thru faith will enhance our lives.////FROM JACK: We all need role models...parents, teachers, friends, the faithful. That's also one of the reasons for Christmas.

FROM RJP IN NAPLES: I don't believe he prays for Divine intervention, but for strength to do his best and thanks God for allowing him the opportunity to help others. He should be an inspiration to people of character in all walks of life. Instead of diamonds in his ears he puts smiles on those less fortunate.////FROM JACK: I don't know what he prays for. But, as far as I know, he's sincere in his expression of faith. That's what I would ask of anyone. Less emphasis on Tebow (self)...Let the glory be God's.

FROM PRCH ON CAPE COD: My sermon was titled “Come and see” based on Jn1 and I talked about ways we live out our faith in the public realm and how we do or don’t invite others. To shake things up I gave illustrations such as Tim Tebow, the Mormon two year mission stint, and a local gas station employee trying to give me tracts and make sure I have Jesus in my heart (I’m sure he did that especially because I was wearing my clerics!) Hey, Time magazine said that after Tebow put John 3:16 in his eye black at a Florida football game, 92 million people googled the scripture reference! That’s more than any Lutheran pastor can claim! Out here we were thrilled to see the Patriots win big; however, I didn’t care much for the headlines in the Cape Cod Times: “In TOM we trust”////FROM JACK: If the Broncos had won their game, I could imagine a Denver headline: "In TIM we trust." People find enjoyment in being fans. I just wish that they (we) could find that much enjoyment in our faith.

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: Thank you for the anti-manipulation of God stance regarding prayer. How do we get this across to some people who are disappointed or angry with God because they couldn't manipulate Divine favor for their requests? I understand their grief but I don't understand their anger at a God who is not a puppet. God is not a puppeteer, either. It's a two-way street.////FROM JACK: We are just one of God's instruments. It takes more than just a hammer to build a house. God has many tools in his tool box. I try to do what I'm able to do, working with the Master Carpenter. Yes, sometimes the work is frustrating, but we must try to do the best we can.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER: If he believes it, that's all that's necessary. I won 3.16 from my daughter. Paid off in pennies.////FROM JACK: Pennies from heaven? Have you tried playing the lottery using the number, 316? My daughter has 666 in her house number. Someone suggested that she ask for permission to change it. Do you think God cares about such things?

FROM LP IN PLYMOUTH: God knows best. "Thy will be done" not mine. I have learned that. ////FROM JACK: I 've always taught that a prayer should end with the words, "Not my will, but thy will be done." I haven't always followed that advice. Thanks for the reminder.

FROM DC IN KANSAS: Your last sentence are THE winning words!! Many need to know that truth!!////FROM JACK: We had many of the same teachers. No wonder we agree.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON: I don't follow the sports and just watch from time-to-time while my husband has the games on TV but your blog is very interesting today. My leanings and cheering seems always to be for the underdog and maybe that's because my heart goes out to those who must be feeling poor in spirit--identify more with those players than with the winners--it's the Sports Beautitudes. I hope all those underdog teams know deeply that God is with them. and don't forget to be compassionate to losers when they come out up on top from time-to-time.////FROM JACK: If a team called, The Underdogs, needed a cheerleader, I know that you would volunteer for the job, pom poms and all.

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: Amen--Because I do believe that God cares about everything happening in my life! ////FROM JACK: You have to walk the walk...and then you can talk the talk.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I think of God intervened, TT would have won that last game. I do however, believe He can and does hear all of our prayers. How and why and what He decides to intervene in our lives is completely up to Him. That's freewill!////FROM JACK: I remember once reading that when the gods were angry with the people, they answered their prayers as they were prayed. Our God "understands."

FROM FLOWER POWER: It reminds me of one of my favorite movies “For the Love of the Game” when Billy Chapel offers a private prayer “God, I always said I would never bother you about baseball, lord knows you have bigger things to worry about. But if you could make this pain in my shoulder stop for ten minutes, I would really appreciate it.”////FROM JACK: Sometimes movies are really real. Many of our prayers are like Billy's. I've seen some pictures depicting a smiling Jesus.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: It makes me sad that "they" take advantage and make fun of Tim's faith. They ought to be assessing his football abilities, which are considerable...////FROM JACK: "They" mocked Jesus on the cross. What many seem not to like is a public display of their faith. Does that mean that table prayers in restaurants should not be offered, or that someone should stop wearing a cross?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't follow the sports and just watch from time-to-time while my husband has the games on TV but your blog is very interesting today. My leanings and cheering seems always to be for the underdog and maybe that's because my heart goes out to those who must be feeling poor in spirit--identify more with those players than with the winners--it's the Sports Beautitudes. I hope all those underdog teams know deeply that God is with them. and don't forget to be compassionate to losers when they come out up on top from time-to-time.
S.H. in MI