Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Winning Words 3/22/11
“If you’re all tied up in knots today—Cheer up! It might all turn out to be macramé!” (Wally
Armbruster) It often happens, as we review the twists and tangles and the knotty problems of life, we see a design. It might not be a design that we would have chosen, but time and experience tend to show that “things work out.” Not everyone likes Picasso’s work, but it’s called, “art.” ;-) Jack

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: Jack…..are you reading my mind or what???? Somehow I’m going to macramé what’s happening today. Love the analogy and visual image. FROM JACK: I like optical illusions...when you look at on object long enough, you see something else. That's another way of looking at one going on in the life that we lead. Whic\h is the reality? Both?

FROM PRPH IN MINNESOTA: you are the eternal optimist, Jack!! but that is okay. its beats the %$^%##@#^% out of being a pessimist. hope you are having a good Lenten journey FROM JACK: Life's always a journey, and for some people it always seems to be a Lenten one. I try to keep WWs optimistic, as a kind of encouragement for those folks who aren't having it easy.

FROM CWR IN B'MORE: I liked today's WW....I've even gotten to enjoy lemonade. ... as in "if you're handed a lemon, make ........" Cheers! FROM JACK: Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out. Lemonade is better than sour wine.

FROM MOLINER CF: Just like a ship, the more knots you drag behind you, the faster you get there. Put 'em behind you. FROM JACK: Who says that an old Navy guy knows not-hing?

FROM BLAZING OAKS: A Good one to remember! Something like the theme in the poem THE MASTER
WEAVER... How our lives create a design not apparent until all is "finished"...I'm sure we influence the pattern by the decisions we make, and the attitudes we take, but the Master creates the divine pattern outcome with his deft and understanding hands. Trust is the name of the game. As Bill used to say, "All of us are good Christians, now and then, more or less..." Ain't it the truth?! FROM JACK: If I were an art teacher, I would place a blot of color on a page and ask them to turn it into a beautiful picture. In a way, I think that's what God does with each one of us.

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