Friday, December 03, 2010

Winning Words 12/3/10
“If thou thinkest twice, before thou speakest once, thou wilt speak twice the better for it.” (Wm Penn) Penn was one of the first to suggest a union of the colonies, a pre-cursor of the USA. His idea of democratic principles became an inspiration for our US Constitution. He wasn’t as successful in promoting the concept of pacifism and the idea of a United States of Europe. No one’s perfect! ;-) Jack

FROM NL IN INDIANA/FLORIDA: I like that. I wish more did. FROM JACK: Sometimes we lose track of the old guys, like Penn.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Nothing is perfect until we get to Heaven. FROM JACK: I'm wondering....Will we bring our ideas of perfection with us?

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Penn not only thought and spoke...he took action. He was perhaps the first urban planner in this country, designing and creating Philadelphia. FROM JACK: After spending 9 years on the Planning Commission of our community, I've come to realize that planning is not always received with enthusiasm. It's hard for some to believe that planners know what they're doing. MORE FROM RI: I hear you. Having sat on some local-government committees I've witnessed some of the same. In my opinion the conflict comes when the voices of self-interest confront the voices of communal interest. The U.S is a populace of individuals with personal concerns, not a collective of citizens with communal concerns. (One problem is "communal" sounds too much like "communist".) Also, most people do not understand that a
"plan" is not set in is a starting point that is adaptable to change. But of course you know that. I applaud you for your involvement on the Planning Commission (and other things).

FROM MOLINER CF: WP may not have been perfect but how many guys have a State named in their honor?
FROM JACK: I don't know. Al ask a.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Love this one. If I had to speak like they spoke, I would probably have had to think twice too. William Penn was of one the USA's heroes. He thought outside the box. We should be grateful to him and all of our founding fathers. They weren't perfect but they did an outstanding job of building our country. FROM JACK: I like the word, sylvan (wooded area), particularly when connected with Penn. It just sounds right. I can imagine it looked right, too, in Penn's day.

FROM PRFM IN WISCONSIN: What a word to place before each couple before they make their vows in marriage! FROM JACK: I hadn't thought of it in that way, but it makes sense. It could also be used at the swearing in of legislators.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I'm sure we'd all be the better for thinking twice before speaking...keeping us from "open mouth, insert foot" disease... I came across a saying you might want to use sometime along these lines: "IF WE EXPIRE WHEN WE DIE, SHOULDN'T WE INSPIRE WHILE WE LIVE?" George Goldtrap I have no idea
who this gentleman is, but it is a good thought! FROM JACK: It seems that George Goldtrap was a TV weatherman, Uncle Albert (kind of a Mr. Rogers) on a kids' program, and a humor writer. Your quote shows that he had a way with words.

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