Friday, November 12, 2010

Winning Words 11/12/10
“Time and health are two precious assets we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” (Denis Waitley) For the last couple of years, the world’s focus has been on economic issues. Real estate and investment values have plunged. I’ve heard it said more than once: “When you’ve got your health, you’ve got everything.” Last week I read of a couple who won $11 million in the lottery and gave it all way. “We have our health and each other. We don’t need the money.” ;-) Jack

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: I have have wealth. FROM JACK: I've read of very wealthy people saying that they would give away all they owned for a healthy body.

FROM YOOPER PO: I remember getting so impatient with my grandmother (with my vast life experience of 12 years or so!) when she repeated the "When you've got your health.................. Now from the perspective of close to 70 years and a recent serious illness, I can only apologize to Grandma and pray that she forgave me! FROM JACK: Your grandmother was once a 12-year-old, so I'm sure that she understood. Sometimes we forget that older people were not always old.

FROM DREM IN MICHIGAN: I try and tell this to my patients all the time! FROM JACK: It's as the old saying goes, "You never miss the water til the well runs dry." My exercise regimen can sometimes be a bore, but I know that without it, aches and pains can be more than boring.

FROM DS IN CALIFORNIA: This is one we all think about the older we get. Where did it all go???? FROM JACK: Hopefully, we have "golden" memories.

FROM MOLINER CF: I was sad that I had no friends until I met a man who had no money. FROM JACK: Do you remember the song, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" The song, written in 1931, asks why the men who built the nation – built the railroads, built the skyscrapers – who fought in the war (World War I), who tilled the earth, who did what their nation asked of them should, now that the work is done and their labor no longer necessary, find themselves abandoned, in bread lines.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I think everyone our age is very concerned about good health! And also about the limited time we have left to do anything we hope to accomplish. J.L.Kraft (CEO of Kraft Foods) once said, "In Youth, we spend our health to gain our wealth; In old age we spend our wealth to regain our health!" Too true for many. I too, read of that couple who gave most of their lotto winnings away. I believe they said they had taken care of their children, first. (?) Anyway, this saying holds much wisdom! FROM JACK: One of their first charities was the local fire department, and then the Salvation Army. The story didn't say anything about a Lutheran or a Baptist Church. I don't that there are many of those in Nova Scotia. And...a good quote by the cheese head. Is he from Green Bay?

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