Friday, November 13, 2009

Winning Words 11/13/0
“We are all richer than we think we are.” (de Montaigne-16th century philosopher) A 21-yr-old who lives in our area of Michigan won $8.55 million playing poker in Vegas. Playing poker is practically a living for him. His high school friends say that money hasn’t changed him. What is it that makes someone rich? I know some poor people who are really rich. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: What is it that makes someone rich? I think it is belief that God is a God of abundance and being surrounded by people, including Pastors, so that when we are tempted to get off the track and doubt, they help us to get back on again and trust in God. Maybe it is that the young 21 year-old with all that money was still able to keep central his whole trust in God. Neat to think about. FROM JACK: You are rich.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: Money is nice, but friends are better. Since I lost my job, it has been incredible to receive the support I have from people like you and countless others. Money cannot buy that... FROM JACK: As the song goes..."That's what friends are for."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We are actually richer because of the blessings we have received over the years than the money we have made. FROM JACK: We need to spend more time counting our blessings, instead of counting our money.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Having faith, a loving family and friends, health, and being a citizen of the United States, where you can work and study hard and reach your goals because of or in spite of your family. FROM JACK: We don't have to win the lottery in order to be rich.

FROM AM IN MICHIGAN: Some of the grandchildren talked about some kids as being "really rich". We talked about having enough and being really rich like Grandma in love and family. I pray they got it. They knew I meant it. FROM JACK: Without a teacher, it's hard to learn.

FROM MOLINER CF: Richness is a state of mind.

FROM PRJM IN MICHIGAN: What do you mean, Jack, that playing poker is "practically a living for him"? I'd say 8.5 million is a good living! As for riches, money is not a bad thing but it is hardly the best thing. Yes, I know that more marriage founder on the rocks of money arguments but it is really about power and control than bills and needs. Rich people are those who find contentment in their everyday lives. They are able to give what others need -- love, care, food, time, etc. -- because they feel content with whatever amount they have. FROM JACK: What would you really do with $8.5 million? MORE FROM JM: What would I really do with $8.5 million? Probably give away all but 1 million of it right away. There are some charities I'd really like to support better and I'd love to have a pile of money to give away. The other million I'd put into some sort of living trust so I could live on it, distribute some to family and friends as needed, and have the rest of it distributed at my death. That's what I'd most likely do. When I was a kid we'd sometimes play a game called What Would You Do With A Million Dollars? Not that it was much of a game, just making a list of what we'd do and sharing it with each other. It was kind of a thought-provoking exercise to think of how we'd spend that much money. Keep on keeping on!

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Especially here in America...I have toured India, Japan, Thailand, Dem.Republic of Congo, Haiti (the worst!) The Holy LAND,Turkey, and all of Europe, and nowhere does one see the opulence of even our middle classes. Whether we are as rich in faith, life-contentment, self-satisfaction etc. may be another matter entirely! But there is no doubt we in America are so blessed compared to the rest of the world! FROM JACK: You are fortunate to be able to make the comparison. I don't think most Americans realize how rich they so many ways. So they complain, complain, complain. More, more, more. Oops! I supposed to be positive and not negative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is it that makes someone rich? I think it is belief that God is a God of abundance and being surrounded by people, including Pastors, so that when we are tempted to get off the track and doubt, they help us to get back on again and trust in God. Maybe it is that the young 21 year-old with all that money was still able to keep central his whole trust in God. Neat to think about.
S.H. in MI