Monday, July 06, 2009

Winning Words 7/6/09
“Yesterday is a canceled check; forget it. Tomorrow is a promissory note; don’t count on it. Today is ready cash; use it.” (Edwin C. Bliss) My mother used to have this saying posted in her apartment. My step-father would often say something similar. “Forget about yesterday. Plan a little bit for tomorrow, and live like h--- today.” He would sometimes say “heck” and at other times, “hell.” ;-) Jack

FROM HILLTOPPER JOHN: How about "Learn from yesterday; Plan for tomorrow; Live wisely today" I would say that makes a whole lot more sense.... FROM JACK: In the movie, "What About Bob?" Bill Murray calls it, Horse Sense.

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: That is one of my favorites- enjoy each day. Another is-count your blessings. FROM JACK: Your response reminds me of this song I learned in Sunday School: Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

MORE FROM S.G.: I like that very much. It is interesting that you were using one of your mother's quotes. Today was my mother and father's wedding anniversary. They died ten years ago after more than 72 years of marriage. I had a Mass said for them this morning, and they are certainly among my many blessings.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Remember when Hank Stram used this illustration? I guess it's quite popular...and, of course, true.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Who has ready cash today or any day??? FROM JACK: Look under your mattress.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Don't forget yesterday. That's where you learned everything you shouldn't do today that you will regret tomorrow.

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, and that is why they call it The Present!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: I consider this very special.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another interesting quote, Pastor Freed. Information on the internet says Edwin C. Bliss landed his forst job at a small Ohio newspaper "The Bucyrus" Pay was $6.00 PER WEEK and he was able to earn AN EXTRA $1.50 per week working as a stringer for the Toledo Blade. I think he knows what he is talking about. Brenda worked as an intern one summer in Bucyrus for a little bit more money than Edwin C. Bliss got.
S.H. in MI