Monday, February 23, 2009

Winning Words 2/23/09
“Honesty is always the best policy.”
(George Washington) This quote is from Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796. In a negative way, Mark Twain added, “…when there’s money it.” Diogenes, the Cynic, is said to have carried around a candle looking for an honest man. I’ve met some honest people in my life, without needing to carry a candle. Who are some of the honest people who come to your mind? Think about them as we observe the day after George’s birthday? ;-) Jack

FROM P.S. IN MI: Most people in my life are honest or they wouldn't be my friends.Must preach it to the Grand Kids! FROM JACK: Yds, it's one of those values that we must pass on, as it has been passed on to us.

JACK'S REPLY TO RESPONSE BY ANONYMOUS: When I was growing up, the Confession of Sins began in this way: "We poor miserable sinners, conceived and born in sin, with all our heart confess unto Thee, holy and righteous God, merciful Father, that we, in manifold ways during all our life, have offended against Thee. We have not loved Thee above all things, nor our neighbor as ourselves etc." It seems less strident today.

FROM L.P. IN IL: I am honest. Sometimes "too honest." Outspoken, I guess you'd call it. My dad is honest. My best friend is honest. FROM JACK: The Bible says that you're safe! Pro 12:22 Lying lips [are] abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly [are] his delight.

FROM N.G. IN MI: Either my Mother or the Minister I had when I was growing up added their view, "Honesty is the Only Policy".

FROM MOLINER C.F.: All of the people are honest some of the time and some of the people are honest all ofthe time, but all of the people are not honest all of the time. Honest Abe

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My husband is the most honest man I know. I'd like to think I was but honestly, I know I fall short sometime. A white lie is still a lie. But I honestly do try to be as honest as I should be. Our family was brought up on honesty is the best and only way.

FROM SNOWBIRD F.M.: One name that comes to mind is Jimmy Carter . . . he made some mistakes in his presidency, but I always sensed he sought to be honest. A second, Herb Chilstrom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely grateful for whoever/whomevers put that Brief Order of Confession into our worship service. Most of the time I'm walking around with controversies and different opinions/ideas, tugs and pulls within me and coming from every person I meet, it looks like we're all trying to be honest but, at least, for 60 seconds each week I can feel like I and a whole bunch of others actually said--hopefully felt--a totally honest perspective on even our best attempts at honesty. And then we go back to trying to live honestly even while realizing we are bound to fail and calling on Jesus, our honesty teacher to give us the honest answers we are urgently in need of.
Yesterday, I had a big discussion of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with a group of people and today am feeling particularly
tired and that feeling is honest too. What would George Washington have done to bring peace to the Middle East?
S.H. in MI