Monday, January 26, 2009

Winning Words 1/26/09
“The only true wisdom is that you know nothing.”
(Socrates) Immigration was a hot-topic in the mid-19th century, too. A group, called “the know-nothings,” was organized to curb the immigration of Catholics and keep them from voting. This group later developed into a major political party. “I know nothing,” reminds me of Hogan’s Heroes and Sgt. Schultz. I think that today’s quote is a good one. ;-) Jack

FROM J.F. IN NOVA SCOTIA: Am partway through "The Catcher was a Spy", a biography of Moe Berg--remember him? Great Princeton athlete, linguist, OSS operative, was given the assignment by Wild Bill Donovan and Furman (who just died) to "happen" to run into Heissenberg at a hotel with a scientific convention (I'm just getting to that part). Berg was given a list of subjects to chat with Heissenberg about, and depending on Heissenberg's answers, to wish him a nice day or to shoot him. But the thing that reminded me of your quote was not only the discrimination Berg ran into as a Jew but the fact that Donovan was promised the job of (I think) Attorney Geneal by Hoover, but that didn't materialize and Donovan found out Hoover got a firestorm of disapproval for suggesting the job go to a Catholic.

FROM MOLINER LIZ: I give up-- the Democrats? Just kidding!

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: Cogito Ergo Sum

FROM GUSTIE MARLYS: Ok—I am curious—which political party???

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Who am I to question Socrates, but wouldn't it be more accurate to say "your knowledge is limited"? There are many things we do know, but we don't know everything about those things. Sometimes we allow what little we know to mislead us. Perhaps a WW quote should read, "The only true wisdom is to keep your mouth shut." No doubt someone has already said that somewhere. (Got a source for that, Jack?) FROM JACK: The only true wisdom is to keep your mouth shut? Where would we be is Martin Luther or Martin Luther King, Jr followed that advice? God is omniscient. Compared to that, we know nothing.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: And that political party is sure living up to its name. FROM JACK: You betcha!

FROM C.S. IN WI: This could apply to many political cronies of the IL Governor…they all raised both their hands after he was accused and said…”I don’t know anything. I haven’t talked to the Governor in a year or more.”

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: They are wise words today! The more I know the more I realize I don't! Sgt. Schultz was a favorite character...easily led astray and deceived for laughs.

FROM THRIVENT TOM: My rock regarding wisdom has always been Solomon's Proverb that the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: But just to be contrary (!) ... read Romans 8 and you know SOMETHING - that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ!

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