Monday, August 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 8/18/08
“There is but a step between me and death.”
(1 Samuel 20:3) There are verses in the Bible, taken out of context, that have a truth of their own. This is one of them. A few days ago a friend of mine died suddenly at age 46. We never know. It is well to have our life (particularly our spiritual life) in order at all times. That’s a personal assignment whatever our faith might be. There is but a step…. ;-) Jack

FROM P.O. IN MI: A good reminder and a sad, sad time.

FROM MOLINER EFP: Good morning. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Another reason to enjoy each day and appreciate what we have, rather than focusing on the future and a perceived "better life" out there somewhere.


FROM B.M. IN MI: Good word for today. Thank you.

FROM M.L. IN IL: it is important to present yourself to life each day as if it is your last. it just may be. MORE: another to file under, "don't understand, but will come to accept". i'm sorry for your loss. wear sunglasses and cozy clothes today. it helps soften the the blow.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: The song Jerry Lewis always does on the MD Marathon is inspirational at times like the: "Walk on. and you'll never walk alone..."

FROM MKH IN MI: I think those early sudden deaths are to make us do just that, Get Our House in Order!!

FROM J.L. IN MI: When the final door is closed on this earth, we are welcomed with an open door to a Heavenly eternity.


Anonymous said...

These are sobering Winning Words. Ones to remember each day along with "Rejoice in the Lord at all times, again I say rejoice" which is a simple little hymn we sing often at the Fountains Assisted living, based also on scripture. Maybe someday God will reveal (so I for one can hear it) why some people die too soon and some other people suffer too long.

Anonymous said...

These are sobering Winning Words. Ones to remember each day along with "Rejoice in the Lord at all times, again I say rejoice" which is a simple little hymn we sing often at the Fountains Assisted living, based also on scripture. Maybe someday God will reveal (so I for one can hear it) why some people die too soon and some other people suffer too long.