Friday, January 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 1/18/08
“Time heals almost everything. Give time time.”
(Unknown) In some ways, I’m an impatient person. But most of the time, I’m pretty patient. I’ve learned that many problems are solved with the passage of time. I guess secret is to know when to step on the gas or step on the brake. All in all, “Give time time” is good advice. ;-) Jack

FROM GRANDSON, JFC: In some ways, I’m an impatient person. But most of the time, I’m pretty patient...
time to go mary!
...haha sorry it fit perfectly.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Most of us don't think in the longer term. We fail to see how big is the world, and "how great Thou art"........

Endure the present, and watch for better things. Virgil

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: How well I know. Yesterday my partner fell and broke her Pelvis. Now, "time" steps in. No surgery - just time. She'll be in the hospital for 2 weeks or more. Good timing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if time is always a communal entity. I once heard a Pastor preach a sermon in which he evidently saw our congregation geometrically and like a triangle such that if one corner of the triangle at the back of the church started moving towards God, then all the parts of the triangle would start to shift around accordingly. It's great when we can begin to see time as our friend.