Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 12/12/07
“I am a deeply superficial person.”
(Andy Warhol) Some may look at these daily Winning Words and say that they are superficial. Maybe so, but I encourage you to look for the deeper meaning. There’s a method to my madness. Andy and I are alike in that way. Do you care to join our club? ;-) Jack

FROM D.P. IN MINNESOTA: No thanks, not right now !

D.P. HAS CHANGE OF HEART: Sure, why not, I'm as superficial or more so than anyone. I just don't want you calling a meeting in New York or Humbug, Iowa !

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: You have such wNo thanks, not right now !it so early in the morning.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: To make people think, and investigate for themselves is a good use of superficiality.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: To believe that is also to consider that one may be superficially deep.
I am more the latter than the former. Words are almost always superficial. They can't capture everything.
You and your words are generally quite "winning" in my view.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I think I'm already a member!

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Hits the nail on the head, for me more than I care to have happen.

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Jesus the truth in my life. I am superficial and He is deep.

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: nothing superficial about WW, Jack. If people are unable to see profoud simplicity in WW, they are missing some good wisdom for living.


FROM S.A. IN VEGAS: I try to consider the source when determining if written work is superficial. (Stereotyping always gets me in trouble here) Your sources for WW tend not to be superficial. Aren’t you glad to hear I'm so wise as to determine the significance of others’ experience(s) as told in their written reflections? Ha!


RESPONSE TO J.S.: You're too deep for us...and not superficial enuf.

RESPONSE FROM J.S.: With the little bit of knowledge that you have of me, that seems like a truly superficial judgment.

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: OK, so this one we need to discuss. ;o) Not sure about your club.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Andy was superficial but only on the surface. Aren't we all?

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Sounds like good company to me! I would be proud and happy to be a member of your club. Too bad Andy's not with us anymore....he could design our club t-shirts!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: I know that you are anything but superficial!


FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: Nothing in you Winning Words has ever been superficial. Many times I find myself scratching my head because I know there is something there I missed.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I don't want to look like a label on a Campbell Soup can! But I'm in your club!

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: I do look deep at each message. I do belong.!! Don't stop now.

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