Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 2/22/07
“God is good, but never dance in a small boat.”
(Irish Proverb) In other words, don’t expect God to bail us out when we don’t use common sense. Speaking of sense…”We’re not here to make dollars; we’re here to make sense.” (Heinz 57 Proverb…a mixture of backgrounds) There are some things more important than money in this life. Like the Bible says: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth.” Do that which is sensible and helpful to others. Do you have a favorite charity? ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN ILL: i like habitat, friends of the quilt, planned parenthood, local food pantries and homeless shelters. it's a combination of education and primary comforts. everyone is entitled to the basics, especially in our wealthy country. god bless the child who has his/her own.

FROM S.H. IN MI: This and Church World Service/CROPWALK are my favorite charities. I wonder how many people in the U.S.A. realize that the people living in the rural areas of our country are somehow facing many of the same problems of people living in the rural areas of countries overseas. And a lot of people are being impoverished.

FROM L.K. IN OH: God is good; we are good, too, but mistake prone

FROM M.S. IN MICH: Salvation Army, Disabled American Vetrains, Furniture Bank(Pontiac) Homeless ??? (Pontiac)ect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these Winning Words. Some people I know, use God as a genie. Just say the right words and rub and you will get your wish. There are problems with that way of thinking. EVERYTHINGS more important than money...I have several charities! Make-a-Wish and Salvation Army are just two of our favorites. Blessings, Judy L