Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 1/30/07
“I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.”
(Helen Keller) Do you understand what Helen Keller is saying in these words? Then, pax vobiscum! I had a chance to visit HK’s home a couple of years ago and read some of her writings that were preserved there. She was truly a remarkable woman. I also picked up a quarter with her image on it. ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICH: She is my favorite writer. I deeply admire her strength and fortitude and wisdom. She was extraordinary! I remember watching her on some programs when I was very little. Also, the movie with Ann Baxter and Patty Duke "Miracle Worker" is one of my all time favorite movies.

FROM REV. JOHN IN MICH: Ah! Some more rationalism to trump the scriptures!!!

FROM S.H. IN MICH: I want the understanding of what the words pax vobiscum mean. I know peace that passeth understanding and have also experienced time-after-time after facing a problem and found it resolved understanding which brought me peace. One is eternal, one is temporal. Would like to understand what Helen Keller was saying.
(NOTE) Translation of Pax Vobiscum: Peace be with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want the understanding of what the words pax vobiscum mean. I know peace that passeth understanding and have also experienced time-after-time after facing a problem and found it resolved understanding which brought me peace. One is eternal, one is temporal. Would like to understand what Helen Keller was saying.