Friday, November 24, 2006

“When a woman is hungry, she says, ‘Roast something for the children that they may eat.’”
(African Proverb) On the day after Thanksgiving, let’s not forget that there are hungry people in many parts of the world. Try to be generous when asked to help those in need. In your life, did someone sacrifice for you? ;-) Jack

F.M. HAS THIS TO SAY FROM WISCONSIN: a good word for the day after Thanksgiving . . . yes, many have sacrificed for me, but especially my mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding children eating, a generous attitude, and the day after Thanksgiving:
Grandpa and his six-year-old grandson decided to snack on the leftover Thanksgiving pie. There was a large piece and a small piece on the plate, and Grandpa gave his grandson first choice. He took the large piece. Grandpa said, "you know, it's polite to leave the larger piece for the other person." The boy replied, "if you chose first, would you have taken the smaller piece?" Grandpa said, "yes I would have." The boy closed the conversation by saying, "well that's what you got so what's the problem?"